To respond forthecalling of the environment,it becomes a new trend for the using of the organic fertilizer and the producing of the
organic fertilizer equipment.So how it is will develop?
The organic fertilizer equipment to produce the organic fertilizer turn on a new trend that the technologe of we use is more modernization.Nowdays,the quanility of the organic fertilizer are biger and biger.In the process of producing the fertilizer equipment ,the requirement for the quality of the fertilizer equipment shoubld be more strict.According to the many years producing experience in the fertilizer equipment,our company designed a new machine after many times market reseach and the feedback of our customer.The
new type organic fertilizer granulator machine is a combined type granulator machine developed by our company.It is designed and manufactured with new technology of wet continuous push rod granulation,using the mechanical stirring force of high speed rotary and the resulting friction force,to make the powdery material continuous mixing,granulating,balling,compacting and polishing inside the machine,to achieve the purpose of material granulation.It has the advantages and characteristics of the Drum granulator machine,it can granulate a variety of organic materials,compound-organic fertilizer ,and coarse fiber materials,which is difficult to granulate with traditional equipment,such as crop straw,distiller's grains,furfural dregs,fungus residue,drug residue,animal feces etc,can be granulate after fermentation,and can achieve good granulation effects on humic acid and municipal sludge. Besides this
fertilizer granulator machine,we have also other fertilizer granulator machine ,such as the
drum granulator,
disc granulator,
flat die granulator etc.

Besides,in the production of organc fertilizer equipment,we research and development and technical improvement of deodorization and fermentation of raw materials should be strengthened.The research on the granulation process of organic fertilizers,such as the effect of the particle size of different types of organic fertilizer on fertilizer efficiency,especially the particle size.It will lay a foundation for the production of better fertilizer,such as soil water retention,soil improvement performance,and activation of soil properties.
3.Biological bacteria fertilizer is also a common type of fertilizer in the organic fertilizer production line.This organic fertilizer is developed on the basis of various benefical bacteria to multi-functional bacteria.The develompment of multi-functional microbial complex bacteria that can decompose different fertilizer and study their survival mechanism in organic fertilizer will make the bio-organic fertilizer production process a step further.
The development direction of organic fertilizer is roughly the same.If organic fertilizer equipment wants to achieve better progress,it must adapt to the development of organic fertilizer.The organic fertilizer equipment manufacturers now have to improve their own.The quality of the organic fertilizer production line and the improvement of its production technology provide astrong guarantee for the development of green agriculture.