Industry Info

Equipment configuration and granulation process of cow manure organic fertilizer production line

Organic fertilizer equipment can process raw materials rich in organic matter into ideal organic fertilizer sales, so as to obtain profits. The raw materials for the production of organic fertilizer are widely sourced, such as various livestock and poultry manure, urban sludge, animal and plant residues, etc. These raw materials are rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other crop production nutrients. And the purchase price is very low. The equipment required for the organic fertilizer production line includes fermentation, crushing, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening, automatic packaging, belt transportation, coating equipment, etc. The working principle of organic fertilizer production line: collect raw materials, and then mix raw materials according to the required formula, adjust the water and carbon nitrogen ratio of raw materials, and start fermentation; After fermentation, the material is crushed by grinder. The pulverized material forms organic fertilizer granule with uniform particle size through organic fertilizer granulation mechanism; Dry and cool the particles; Use the screening machine to screen out the particles, too large particles return to the crusher, too small particles return to the granulator to re-granulate, qualified particles into the automatic packaging machine. It should be noted that the above configuration is the traditional organic fertilizer production line configuration, in the actual production process, due to the difference in the formula and production process, will be slightly adjusted.

Each production line has its own characteristics. What kind of organic fertilizer is suitable for production depends on what kind of organic fertilizer equipment is needed. For example, the production line of disc and rotary stirrer must be equipped with a drying cooler, which uses hot air to dry the organic fertilizer, and then uses a cold air extraction system to cool the organic fertilizer, so that the hardness of the particles produced will be better. Users can customize appropriate configurations according to their needs. The organic fertilizer production line also has different equipment configurations according to different raw materials, and can also make appropriate plans according to the investment budget. The price of the organic fertilizer production line with different output is also different. The investment in building a large-scale organic fertilizer production line is not small, but the return on profits is also considerable. The operating effect is good for two years, and it can almost return the cost.